
With limited healthcare resources, there is an increasing awareness of the use of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to inform health-care policy decisions. Holding a strong understanding of the key elements of HTA is useful to all stakeholders. In Ireland, similar to other jurisdictions, pharmaceutical manufacturers must be prepared to submit robust HTA evaluations as required by the health payer. Policy makers and health providers are increasingly using HTA to support the development of safe, effective, health policies that are patient-focused and seek to achieve best value. Bespoke education programmes can enable and empower patients and patient advocates to contribute effectively to HTA processes and can enhance trust in the HTA decision-making processes.

For research and education purposes, the NCPE are affiliated with the Discipline of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity College Dublin. The NCPE provide teaching and training, in the methods and principals of HTA, for a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes both within Trinity College Dublin and elsewhere. Our established PhD programme allows candidates to align practical training in HTA with specific research programmes. We provide practical training within MD and MSc research programmes also.

Executive Education

The NCPE provide executive education programmes for all stakeholders of HTA and associated decision-making processes.


National Patient Education Programme

The NCPE, affiliated with the Discipline of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Trinity College Dublin, lead the development and implementation of the HTA Module of the IPPOSI National Patient Education Programme. Further information can be found at Patient Education Programme – IPPOSI


NCPE Annual Symposium 2024.

Thursday 10th October 2024 at Dublin Castle

Programme available


Morning session

Mid-morning session

Mathias Neyt

Afternoon Session

Digital Attendee List