Drug expenditure in Ireland 1997 – 2007.
M Barry, D Molloy, C Usher, L Tilson. IMJ Dec 2008. Vol. 101; No 10: 299 – 302.

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Cost effectiveness of HPV vaccine in reducing the risk of cervical cancer in Ireland due to HPV types 16 & 18 using a transmission dynamic model.
Usher C, Tilson L, Olsen J, Jepsen M, Walsh C, Barry M. Vaccine 2008 Oct 16;26(44):5654-61.

Cost effectiveness of treatments reducing coronary heart disease mortality in Ireland 2000 to 2010.

Bennett K, Kabir Z, Barry M, Tilson L, Fidan D, Capewell S. Value in Health January/February 2009 Volume 12 Issue 1.

The cost effectiveness of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV infected children in Zambia.
Ryan M, Griffin S, Chitah B, Walker A, Mulenga V, Kalola D, Hawkins N, Merry C, Barry M, Chintu C, Sculpher M, Gibb D. AIDS 2008; 22 (6): 749-757.

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The utilisation and expenditure of medicines for the prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis.
McGowan B, Bennett K, Barry M, Canny M. IMJ 2008; 101 (2): 38-41.

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Economic Evaluation of a Universal Childhood Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination Strategy in Ireland.
Tilson L, Usher C, Butler K, Fitzsimons J, O’Hare F, Cotter S, O’Flanagan D, Johnson H, Barry M.  Value in Health. 2008;11(5):898-903.

Website Link

Cost effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccination strategies in Ireland: an economic evaluation
Lesley Tilson, Lelia Thornton, Darina O’Flanagan, Howard Johnson, Michael Barry.  European Journal of Public Health. Jun 2008;18(3):275-82.